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Hey all! U
Udah lama gak ngepost ya -..- berapa tahun kira kira? :/ ntahlah
Ha, tiba tiba datang request ke ask.fm aku :D
Lain kali off anon atau pakai nama yaa ><
<<<<<<<<<<<< Sidebar like mine? Maksudnya ini ya??
Jadi caranya gini, ikutin step by step ya :)
1. Buka blogger > template
2. tekan Ctrl + f, ketik judul sidebar kamu. Kita harus mencari kode sidebar dulu. Misalnya punyaku judulnya The Kunyuk. You'll find something like this : (example)
<div class="inikodesidebar">The Kunyuk</div><br>
berarti kode saya adalah : sidebar
3. Copy code sidebar kalian, lalu tekan ctrl+f lagi. Cari .kodesidebar kalian. Untuk skins saya, saya akan mencari .sidebar Lalu, hapus semua kode dibawah .sidebar itu.
4. Letakkan kode berikut dibawah .sidebar
background:#E7E5FC;text-align:center;font: 20px 'Century Gothic';text-transform:none;letter-spacing:2px;border-bottom:0px solid #000;padding:0px 1px 1px 0px;color:#A4A4A4;-webkit-transition:All 0.4s ease;-moz-transition:All 0.4s ease;-o-transition:All 0.4s ease;line-height:4px;text-decoration:none;} .sidebar:hover{color: #999;}
5. Save :)
6. Goodluck yah, kalau gagal tanya aja di ask fm :D
Hey all! U
Udah lama gak ngepost ya -..- berapa tahun kira kira? :/ ntahlah
Ha, tiba tiba datang request ke ask.fm aku :D
Lain kali off anon atau pakai nama yaa ><
<<<<<<<<<<<< Sidebar like mine? Maksudnya ini ya??
Jadi caranya gini, ikutin step by step ya :)
1. Buka blogger > template
2. tekan Ctrl + f, ketik judul sidebar kamu. Kita harus mencari kode sidebar dulu. Misalnya punyaku judulnya The Kunyuk. You'll find something like this : (example)
<div class="inikodesidebar">The Kunyuk</div><br>
berarti kode saya adalah : sidebar
3. Copy code sidebar kalian, lalu tekan ctrl+f lagi. Cari .kodesidebar kalian. Untuk skins saya, saya akan mencari .sidebar Lalu, hapus semua kode dibawah .sidebar itu.
4. Letakkan kode berikut dibawah .sidebar
background:#E7E5FC;text-align:center;font: 20px 'Century Gothic';text-transform:none;letter-spacing:2px;border-bottom:0px solid #000;padding:0px 1px 1px 0px;color:#A4A4A4;-webkit-transition:All 0.4s ease;-moz-transition:All 0.4s ease;-o-transition:All 0.4s ease;line-height:4px;text-decoration:none;} .sidebar:hover{color: #999;}
5. Save :)
6. Goodluck yah, kalau gagal tanya aja di ask fm :D
Blog Owner
Full Name : Lintang A Pramesti
Nick Name : Lintang
Birth : November 2000
Age : 14
School : Cendana JHS Pekanbaru (for now)
Country : Indonesia
City : Pekanbaru
Owner speaking here :v
Okay, let me introduce myself.
You can call me Lintang for short. I'm 14 years old now, and i'm a moslem. Enjoying a teen-school-life like other tenaagers do. I graduated from my elementary school on 2013, and 2016 for my junior high school InshaAllah. I'm a main secretary of interschool student organization (knows as 'OSIS') in my school now, a part of Red Cross Youth Associate (has been known as 'Palang Merah Remaja tingkat Madya' in Indonesia), and active in some other organizations and groups.
My daily activities was managing my study and organizations, making some short stories and poems, reading books, novels and good thoughts on internet, and certainly posting random posts to this blog page ehehehe.
I'm blessed to have such as happy life. Cause life its NOT about finding yourself. It's about CREATING yourself. :)
PS : if you want to know more or had any inquiries, contact me by my social media that i located in the left sidebar, above the 'Hello' section. Thankyou and have a nice journey on this blog! :) :)
"I don't mind waiting for people,
because the longer you wait,
when you do meet...you'll be more happy"
- Mouri Ran
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thanks banget adikkuh yang kecee :D
sama-sama kakkk ({})
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